
Oct 2, 23
Season 4 Teaser
Here's to season 4! And we've started a Patreon!

Sep 4, 23
S3xE12: Socially Responsible Computing UTA Program
How do you teach socially responsible computing?

Jul 3, 23
S3xE11: Critically Conscious Computing
What is critically conscious computing and how can educators teach it?

May 1, 23
S3xE10: Primarily Undergraduate Institutions with Iris Howley
All the ins and outs of working at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs).

Mar 6, 23
S3xE9: Peer Teaching Summit at SIGCSE TS 2022
Peer teaching can help students learn, and every school is different in how it does peer teaching.

Feb 6, 23
S3xE8: Alliance for Identity Inclusive Computing Education
Let's work towards greater inclusion in CS by improving the system, not the student.

Dec 5, 22
S3xE7: Class Forums with Amogh Mannekote
There are many ways teachers and students can and do use class forums.

Oct 3, 22
S3xE6: Teaching Support Staff with Yesenia Velasco (Part 2)
What is a teaching associate and what is the future of such a position?