
Feb 15, 21
S2xE4: Grading for Equity with Joe Feldman
How to grade fairly and have the grade reflect what students know.

Feb 1, 21
S2xE3: Cultural Competence in Computer Science with Nicki Washington
Learn cultural competence, stay accountable, and get uncomfortable.

Jan 18, 21
S2xE2: What K12 and Higher Ed CS can learn from each other with Jared O'Leary
Why you should learn from other fields and apply it to your pedagogy.

Jan 4, 21
S2xE1: Supporting Students of Color with Manuel Pérez-Quiñones
How to support students of color, from grading to the classroom.

Apr 6, 20
S1xE6: Peer Instruction with Colleen Lewis
A how-to guide for peer instruction and active learning.

Mar 2, 20
S1xE5: Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) with Armando Fox
MOOCs: their history, their uses, and their long-term legacy.

Feb 3, 20
S1xE4: Live Coding with Mark Guzdial
Modeling the process, managing mistakes, and making predictions.

Jan 7, 20
S1xE3: Teaching Students to Debug with Amy Ko
Why CS students should learn how to debug.